Two days ago, I brought my own bowl to work for my Campbell's Chunky soup that I'd eat sometimes for lunch. I thought of leaving it in the breakroom so I don't have to bring it back with me everyday. But to my dismay, I couldn't find my olive green bowl today. I brought soup and sandwich for lunch today but apparently I couldn't eat it in the breakroom 'coz I don't have a bowl to microwave my soup with. Most of the stuff there are disposable styrofoams which obviously are not microwaveable. And I didn't want to use just any of the glass bowls there 'coz I didn't know who owns it and I think it's gonna be embarrassing if I'd use them without permission. So instead of just staying at work for lunch, I end up driving home anyway. Whoever used my bowl, I just wish she'll return it so I'll also have the chance to use it. Hehehe...

5 replies:
ow! too bad :c miss you jenn am pinay chickenheart-iceah you visited my other blog named :
just visit back miss you friend c:
my dsl was down and i havent visited in a while. maybe your bowl is like wheres waldo? i use to have those books when my kids were small. i hope you are still enjoying your bank job. it sounds like you are.. moving to texas in 4 more weeks!
Hi jenn basin naa nagkuha ato abi niya iyaha hehehe mobalik ra to basin pud naglaroy laroy lang around the office hehehe
poor baby, that happens at my job too. now, i have one drawer at work solely for my plates and bowls. after i wash in the kitchen, i let it dry then keep at my drawer. lol.
palit nalang ug lain jenn kay basin naka uyon ang nagkuha ato.hehehe.. bitaw, kalit ra nya to ug tunga.. have a nice weekend
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