Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bad Day

I could always remember Daniel Powter's Bad Day song whenever I had one myself. As early as 9:30 a.m., I knew right then, that today is not going to be a good day to be JENN. Have you ever had those moments? When you just feel like something doesn't seem right and luck seems to be in a very far corner. Well, I feel like that today. I got most of the weirdest computer problem calls today. I hated it 'coz it takes a lot of time to fix and for this month I'm leading the race as far as number of calls solved are concerned and I'd want to maintain that but today's calls were not helping me. To make matters worse, at the end of the day, on my way home from work, I witnessed an accident involving a truck driven by a very old guy and another truck driven by a guy in his early twenties. It was nothing major though, just a little dent on the old guy's truck but nobody was hurt, thank God! I was just shocked 'coz it happened right in front of me as I was waiting for my turn at a STOP sign. Well, I really had a BAD DAY, don't you think?

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