It’s been a year since I had discovered a passion for photography. Jeff bought me my first DSLR as a Valentine’s gift last year. I have
updated the lenses and bought some accessories over the last year. Although I
am definitely far from being a pro, but I can say that I am really proud of how
much I have learned about photography for the last year just by watching YouTube
tutorials and reading photography books and tons of online references. I mean I would love to get a formal training
on photography but since this is just a hobby more than anything else, I
thought it would be best to get my hands on anything that’s free and available
online. After all, there are so many awesome photographers out there that are
willing to share their knowledge and expertise to amateurs and budding photo
enthusiasts. I know that I just barely scratched the surface as far as
learning photography is concerned, but like all important things in life, you
learn by every day experiences. I haven’t really found my niche yet although I
find photographing people fun and challenging at the same time. Landscape
photography is something I want to get serious in besides portrait photography
but admittedly I really don’t have the proper gear for that kind of
photography yet. But I am saving for a much better wide angle lens so hopefully I
can take wonderful landscapes in the near future. Anyway, below are some of my favorite shots taken with my Canon T3i using either my 55-250, 50 f1.8, 18-135 and my most recent acquisition, the 85mm f1.8 lenses.

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