After a month of being an Entrecard member, my blog reached an all-time high of 148 drops as of 8:00 P.M. yesterday. I was surprised in a good way. I mean I'm not really a dedicated EC dropper. In as much as I'd love to drop at least 300 cards per day as some people would do, I just didn't have the luxury of time to do it. So I just make sure that I reciprocate all my drops for the day and that's it. I usually have an average of 50+ drops daily and I am happy with that. It makes me land on the 20% of bloggers as per my Real Rank is concerned. I'm quite content with that. Opportunities still come my way and my Alexa is increasing gradually. But yesterday was a unique day as I got an overwhelming number of droppers. I must admit EC dropping can be addicting, no wonder some people really make a career out of it, but I simply just don't have the time. I can only drop 30 minutes in the morning before work and an hour or so in the evening after work. But I can say that I am glad that I became an Entrecard member. It was a fun experience reading interesting blogs and seeing my Real Rank goes up higher. Thanks to all my regular droppers.

4 replies:
Hi ate Jen!! I just joined in EntreCard and still don't know what to do with it..hehe Can you please show me how?! :) Thanks a lot in advance!! Great to know you've reached the all-time high of drops :)
hello ate Jen! i actually have no idea what it is and how it works. but rest assured i will be dropping by your site all the time. *winks*
got a tag for you . . . here!
isn't that makes you feel good jenn diba? hehehehe.. but you too deserve just like everybody else...
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