Monday, October 4, 2010

A totally whole new world to explore

One of the important things to decide on when expecting is whether to breastfeed or formula-feed the baby. I have decided, of course with hubby’s support, to give breastfeeding a try. I have heard from other nursing mothers that it can be tough so we thought it might help to know more about breastfeeding. So last night, hubby and I went to a breastfeeding class. It was a 2-hour class which basically talks about the basics of breastfeeding. There was a film clip shown. Small snacks and beverages were served. The place was cozy and homey. I noticed they were using matouk table linens on the kitchen table. The instructor, who was an OB nurse for 20 years was very nice and knowledgeable. They gave us handouts and an access to a website that has lots of useful tips, info, video, PDF files and such about breastfeeding. I would say it was worth it. I’m sure the real thing is not gonna be that easy but it’s better to learn the basics before dealing the real thing. I just hope and pray that it will work for me as well. There are tons of benefits of breastfeeding for the baby and me so I really hope everything will work out fine on my part.

1 replies:

MommaGonnabe said...

I am a bit scared of not knowing what to do too when the baby is finally here.

You are lucky that there are classes like that you can take. I am now back in Pinas and they don't have that kind of stuff yet here.