Thanks for the post from Sylvester Campbell
My husband has gone on a savings kick now that it’s turning a new year.
Last year we had a few unforeseen expenses with my broken leg and the
fridge dying and the car breaking down so he wanted to ensure if things
got bad this year we’d have enough reserve money to take care of
everything. We’ve got a whole new plan for next year: I already went
online to get us some Dallas Electric Savings
in terms of our utilities and I’ve also been subscribing to the Sunday
paper since last month so I could get used to “couponing.” I’ve sold a
lot of the stuff on Ebay that’s just been clogging up my closet and
we’ve pared down to the lesser cable package and gotten a club buying
membership to save cash. My husband’s really good at things like this
and he’s all about making a spreadsheet to make himself feel better. I
love him for it though because without his level-headedness I don’t know
that we would be in the financial shape we’re in now. I know that one
day when we decide to have kids
we’ll be able to save for their college and buy a nicer home and all
that without a huge problem. There’s something to be said for being
financially responsible and without Mark I don’t know that I could call
myself so. I mean, I’m decently responsible and all but I’ve never been
good at saving and I don’t know an IRA from a 401K, that’s for sure.
There’s never been a time in my life when I felt as secure as I do now
and I’d say I owe all that to Mark and his right brain. Maybe one day
I’ll pick up some of his good savings habits but I’m not going to hold
my breath over it, either! Mark is the better half of the two of us
because he’s better at thinking about the future and not as good at
enjoying the moment!

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