I didn’t know how much I've missed Caleb being a baby until I saw the photo montage of his baby pictures made by my sister. I can’t believe he’s such a handful little toddler now. He looked so cute in those baby hats. Being a winter baby, hats are definitely a staple in his wardrobe. I can't get him to wear any kind of hats these days though, lol! He'd always pull them off. It's too bad since I think he'd look cuter with a hat on. Oh well! Maybe when the weather starts to get colder, then he'd realize he needs a hat after all.
We just got back from his wellness check. They gave him vaccine shots. Poor boy wasn't happy with it at all. I gave him some pain reliever to make him feel a little bit better. His pediatrician asked me if we wanted to have more kids. There was a slight pause before I replied, lol! Hubby definitely wanted to have at least one more but I am not quite sure if I'll manage. Infant and Newborn Caring is such a demanding and challenging job and I am not sure if I would be ready for another one yet especially with an energetic toddler as well. But I am not closing my doors on the possibility of having another one though. We never know.

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