Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring cleaning here and there

I thought I was gonna start some spring cleaning last weekend. Well, sorta… But actually I am also currently redecorating and rearranging the living room. Hubby also set up our home theatre which was just in the box for a year now, haha. Yes, we still have some boxes stacked up somewhere from the move from Ozark. We decided it’s about time to dig through them and see if we can use some stuff for our living room. Surprisingly, we found out an old rotary phone that hubby owned back when he was still single. It looks ancient alright but it still works, to my disgust surprise. I mean this thing was probably before barcode scanners exist. It’s amazing how the world evolves. Technology has definitely improved our way of life. I intend to finish my living room project before August. I am excited. I’d be buying new accent items with exciting colors to make the room pop. It’ll be fun.

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