I feel bad that I think I've waited too long before I shopped some Easter goodies for Caleb this year. Most of the Easter display shelves at Walmart were literally empty, lol! I couldn't find egg coloring kits anymore. I had to go back the following day because I thought I may have missed it. But then one of the associates there told me they ran out of stocks. So we didn't get to color eggs this year. Instead, I opted to get the colored plastic eggs and just stuffed his favorites in there like jelly beans, cheerios, teddy bear grahams, peeps, banana cookies for toddlers and pop rock candies. I did get him a cute blue bunny as well, he didn't seem to much care for that. He went straight to the basket as soon as he wakes up this morning. It was fun watching him enjoy his Easter basket. He loves playing his little badminton set. Well, he loves drumming the coffee table with it, that's what I meant, lol! How about you, guys? What kind of goodies did you put in your Easter basket?
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