Monday, November 10, 2008

I called in sick today!

It's my first time to do it and I was a bit tensed at first 'coz I thought they're going to give me a hard time but surprisingly, the guy on the other line just said, "Ok". Actually, I'm not that sick. I mean I think I feel sick which happens to me almost everyday lately, probably the cold weather every morning is the culprit. Jeff is on vacation today and tomorrow is a holiday so I've got all the reasons in the world to feel lazy and just called in sick. Hehehe. We'll probably go malling later today and spend whole day tomorrow just relaxing at home. Oh, I'm supposed to be sick so I should not go out today. Du'h!!! Whatever! I'd still shop today.

4 replies:

Anonymous said...

hoy friend bantay ka heheh somebody from your work just googled you heheh joke joke

irish daisies said...

i hope u enjoyed ur day off. the pearls look so nice too!

Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

hehehe called in sick but wants to go shopping! wow! hehehe enjoy the shopping Jhenn hehehe

meretrisha said...

net, be careful what you wish for hehe just joking.. get well soon when you're ready to get back to work :)