Monday, April 19, 2010

What a better and healthier alternative it is

It’s quite a dilemma when you don’t really want to gain weight but then you crave for food more frequently than usual. I guess it’s something that has to be dealt with when you’re pregnant. I know it’s not a good time to diet when you’re pregnant, but of course you don’t want to overindulge to the point of hating yourself because you can’t seem to shed the extra pounds off after you give birth. Finding the right balance is really hard. This is just my first pregnancy and I’m completely clueless about a lot of important stuff. Pregnancy books and websites have helped me so far. Advices from friends are very much welcome as well. The other day, Ate Loretta (Filipina neighbor) phoned me to ask if I’d like to take a little walk in the neighborhood for some exercise. I’ve been very lazy lately so I have not even thought of using the treadmill at home. She said it might help my nausea problems if I get out of the house every once in a while and get some fresh air and just take short and slow walks. I’m glad I went with her. It really helped me not to focus too much on my nausea and lightheadedness. I enjoyed all the greens that I saw in the neighborhood. I was invigorated. Not to mention it was indeed a good form of exercise. No matter how some would say there are diet pills that work out there, I’m still not taking anything that would endanger me or the baby.

1 replies:

best diet pills said...

Even if some diet pills work don't take anything when you are pregnant.