Sunday, November 9, 2008

Remember it's special

Most women love jewelries. I would not say that I am one of them because I don't really own a whole bunch but I do appreciate them especially if given by hubby on special occasions. I'd like to accessorize sometimes but most of my stuff are the inexpensive sterling silver ones. I don't go out of my way to spend hundreds of dollars to buy jewelries out of my own pocket, but hubby doesn't mind spending a little more than the usual for wifey especially on special occasions like the marriage proposal, birthdays, and anniversaries. The latest treat is a set of pearl earrings and necklace from Gordon's. Well, yeah, there is a special occasion for this. It's for our 1st Wedding Anniversary. The traditional 1st wedding anniversary gifts are made of paper, a modern 1st wedding anniversary symbol is a clock and the gemstone associated with this anniversary is Gold, Pearl, or Peridot.

1 replies:

Twerlyn said...

That's so sweet of him..Happy anniversary to both of you..

Twerlermz' blog